Our Core Values
We are an organisation of entrepreneurs. This translates to a culture of challenging the status quo, going against the grain and taking full ownership for any problems faced. We believe this is the only way to improve the world around us and truly move towards a better future for everybody.
Our people are international to the extreme. By attracting members from each continent on the globe, we leverage great diversity in views and opinions, driving the organisation forward as a whole. Aside from offering great fuel for conversation, it connects us across teams.
To truly offer valuable content alongside ones’ university experience, we maintain a culture of excellence. Our people excel at what they do, which is maintain through a meritocracy where the best ideas are rewarded most. Because of this, challenging each other is incentivised, rather than penalised.
Our People
Board 2020/21
Aqsa quazi
Vice President & Treasurer
Leon Lozar
Head of Research
Tamas Barat
Head of External Relations
Philip Müller-Hof
Head of Macro Research and Sustainability
Jakob Romberg
Head of Marketing